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White collar, blue collar, sedentary, production, manufacturing, maintenance, were all going to hurt or be hurt


Calculate your company's cost of pain. Studies on the increase of pain costs in health insurance. What costs to look at, disability, MSK treatment, surgery, disability, productivity, Injury rate, modifier, failed treatment in the workers' comp, OSHA. It's out of control with no one gaurding the door.

How to calculate your company's cost of pain:

  • Average direct cost of workers' compensation nerve, muscle or joint injury - $33,342

  • Average indirect cost of workers' compensation nerve, muscle or joint surgery

  • Average orthopedic surgery cost $30-50K

  • Average all-in surgical case cost $50-150K

  • Average Physical therapy/chiropractic  $4,750

  • Diagnositic imaging

  • Disability cost

  • Workforce replacement cost

  • Hospital imaging costs average 200-400% higher than non-hospital imaging

What’s the top medical condition impacting large employer costs? Musculoskeletal issues is ranked highest for 44 percent of the respondents, while 85 percent rank it among the top three conditions. For a quarter of the large employers, cancer is the top condition.

Formulat to calculate cost

Over half of your work force will experience pain this year. 13% of them will loose up to 5 hours of production each week. Pain is a national epidemic affecting corporate profitability and worker safety.

Pain comes with and without injury. Most people say it just showed up.

Direct and indirect cost of pain

  • More money spent by the company, and employees, on healthcare. 

  • People not being at work, and working at reduced capacity, due to pain.

  • Increased workers' compensation expense.


The seated and active worker will both suffer.

Pain affects a majority of your workforce every day. It results in reduced production, and time away from work with disability and doctor visits. At work, your people are working at less than full ability and are accumulating trauma which will show up later as an injury.

  • 57% of Americans have experienced chronic or recurrent pain in the last year

    • 37% of chronic pain suffers have taken serious steps like disability leave from work or changing jobs altogether. (Americans Talk About Pain)

  • Over half (52.7%) of the workforce surveyed reported having headache, back pain, arthritis, or other musculoskeletal pain in the past two weeks

    • 12.7% of all workforces lose productive time ever two weeks due to pain. (AAPM Facts and Figures on Pain)

Whether it is a white collar or a blue collar work force, we all experience pain. The company suffers when its people are hurting.

  • For your sedentary workers, prolonged sitting stiffens muscles and decreases blood flow. Static posture accumulates muscular shortening which increases stress, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and adds to the old injuries we all have.

  • The blue-collar workforce experiences stress in different ways. Prolonged standing, repetitive movement with the arms, and repetitive bending, all accumulate trauma to show up one day as an injury.

Both sides of your workforce accumulate wear that one day shows up: the tree has fallen. The resulting pain increases dollars spent on health from the employer, and employee. Employees are more likely to miss work, take time off for doctor visits, and work at less than full capacity. Unforeseen shifts result. Other team members work harder and longer to cover the decreased production left by the employee in pain.

Instead of waiting for the tree to fall, there is a way to keep your forest of employees upright and working productively. We understand this phenomenon and have found a way to save money, maintain production and reduce the cost of human suffering. We have accumulated knowledge in how pain builds up in the body. Applying our skills of rapid pain relief, toward early intervention, we can relieve the conditions before someone ‘goes down’.

You don’t have to wait for the tree to fall. Enclosed you will find information on some of our work and its beneficial effects on business.  Reducing pain can save you money, increase employee workplace satisfaction and protect your bottom line.

Musculoskeletal  claims  represent  16 percent to 22 percent  of  medical  spend  in  most  plans.  Yet  with  a  misdiagnosis  rate  of  nearly  40 percent  and  with  new  evaluative  and  treatment  regimens,  plans  can  save  as  much  as  25 percent to 35 percent of  that  spend.


Depending upon the industry, 30 to 50 percent of all workers’ compensation claims, clinical healthcare claims, and short-term disability claims come from soft-tissue injuries. Back pain is the most common cause for absenteeism.

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