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The SafePro Solution

To save you money in healthcare and workers' compensation

The SafePro Solution is our proven onsite care program targeting rapid pain and injury recovery for your employees.

This also gives you:

  • More people at work and productive.

  • Enhanced employee workplace satisfaction

  • Savings in workers' compensation and healthcare expense

  • {Finish with something snappy}


Having a company doctor was a good idea. We have made it better. Traditionally, company doctors and nurses provided watchful waiting in an attempt to deal with the most common complaints in the workplace, pain.

We have improved the doctor's place to provide OSHA approved massage as first aid. Our specialized techniques rapidly relieve pain and injury, preventing work related discomfort from growing into a recordable injury and failed surgery.

Using specific hands-on treatment protocols, muscular issues were addressed. Pain symptoms were reduced, mobility was improved, and employees were educated on proper body movements and self-care. Through the use of this service, MSD incidents were reduced significantly.

The doctors spend time on the production floor providing real time correction, coaching, biomechanical correction and ergonomic recommendations.

Mitigation of risk by implementing pre-shift mobility sessions and offering custom stretching programs to offset the repetitive nature of the jobs.

Site with extensive lifting job requirements institute technique training sessions for both new hires and regular intervals with long term employees to maintain proper lifting practices.

  1. The SafePro Solution, our proven process for your company's success

  2. Discovery your company’s cost of pain and injury.

  3. Understand how we can fit with the company’s present policies, culture and programming in place.

  4. Outline targeted onsite care (Wellness and Massage) programming to eliminate injuries and pain, and its effect on profitability. Put something about what it is

  5. Roll out the program to management and employees. Outline the goals of improved work and home life by being pain free.

  6. Run program hours and schedule regular management and employee contact to optimize effective use of company time.

  7. Track and communicate program success.

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